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Stand out from the crowd with a business phone number that gets you noticed!

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

080 Freephone

Totally free to call from all UK landlines and mobiles.

033 National

Consumer friendly – Calls to 03 numbers are included within monthly minute bundles, and are trusted as a low-cost number to call

01/02 Local

Choose a number from any UK town or city and appear ‘locally’ based, even when you’re not!

Ready to get started? Sign up now!


Multiple Destinations

When you have purchased your memorable number you can send calls to a land line number, a mobile phone or a cloud phone system.  Call forwarding charges may apply.
Numbers are classified as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond with prices to suit every pocket.  We even have generic numbers with no setup fee!


What are memorable numbers?

Single repeats - A single number that repeats: 1111 or 7777
Repeated pairs - Paris of digits next to each other ie: 2233 or 7744
Double repeats - Non-repetitive numbers said twice i.e: 7474 or 0101
Consecutive numbers - Numbers that are ascending or descending consecutively, i.e: 1234 or 7654
Relative digits - Numbers that add or subtract one digit from a consecutive number i.e: 1232 or 7898
Palendromic digits - Numbers that mirror each other i.e: 1001 or 4774
Repeated prefixes - Prefix and Suffix are the same i.e: 0161 501 0161
Word patterns - Numbers such as 0161 501 TAXI
Four-corner digits - Numbers that involve pressing the numbers 1,3,9 and 7, effectively touching every corner of a keypad


As easy as 1, 2, 3...

Just sign up with us using an existing Google or Facebook account or your own business email address.  Then the following three easy steps.

1. Choose your memorable number.
2. Pay the relevant fees.
3. Set the destination you want calls sent to.

You can be up and running in minutes!

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

What our customers are saying...

Geri B.

"I have found Adepteo to be a professional, creative telecoms company who have provided us with a fantastic service. I cant recommend them highly enough. Thanks to all the team!"

Dovid J.

"We love the care and dedication of the Adepteo team. We love the adaptability, flexibility and price of the systems We love everything about this wonderful telecoms business. I would recommend them to anyone."

Sarah W.

"Very helpful and responsive. Jargon-free high-tech phone solution for business. Up and running same day. Absolutely A1 service and product!"

Ready to get started? Sign up now!